Running the river
A 12 person raft taking on the Butchers Knife
This is a different angle of the Butchers Knife. It was the fourth rapid of our trip. On the day that we rafted, it was a class 5 rapid.
During our trip, I learnt the logic behind how rapids are classed. Rapids are not classed by how big they are, but by how dangerous they are to the
raft and/or rafters.
Rapids are rated 1-6 with 6 being the most dangerous. The Ottawa river has rapids in classes 1 thru 5. (I thank our excellent guide "JOE"
for sharing his knowledge and experience with us.)
On the day of our trip, one person asked our guide if we would raft a class 6 rapid. His response was that for inexperienced rafters,
a class 6 rapid would be like Niagra Falls! It is simply not safe to run a Class 6 rapid for fun.
WHEW! We made it! After all is said and done, everyone had a fun day. Another trip is in the works for Next Year!